Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What I Learned About Car Buying...

As previously posted, last night my Dad and I bought my new car! It's a 2005 VW beetle convertible that we bought from a guy we found on craigslist. As of this purchase and the end of the lease on our two Toyotas next month, my family will be car payment free! Sounds GREAT to me!!

I've learned so much from this car buying process. My Dad and I have been looking at car after car for months now and it hasn't been something that I particularly enjoyed. I'm the type to buy something because I want it and be done with it. The process leading up to this purchase has been quite a learning experience for me, but I wouldn't trade it now. There is something pretty wonderful about knowing that this car is MINE. No matter how old it is, how much work the interior may need, and how unlike a new car it smells (I'm using some serious febreze on this baby) I am absolutely amazed by the fact that it belongs to me. I think this says something about our way of life. Since when is paying for something with money that you have in your hand an incredible concept? My Dad absolutely had the right idea here and has taught me so much in the process. My point of view when it comes to car buying (and alot of other things) has totally changed. If you asked me a month ago, I would have told you that shopping for a used car on craigslist is frustrating, pointless, and results in less than pleasant experiences. At the start of our search I was one of those people who thought buying a new car was the best and most logical way to go. Why buy a used car that, god forbid, you might have to do some work on? I believed in the whole "if I can barely pull off the payments I should in order to get the nicest car I can" concept. I don't think that I was the only one buying into this idea. Now I realize how silly this is if you really think about it. Why would you want to be a slave to those monthly payments? Not to mention that after however many years of making those payments the car won't even be yours. See how when you say it simply it sounds pretty dumb?

I get that the situation is different for everyone. I know people who lease because they know they'll want a different car in two or three years and can afford the payments. If it doesn't stretch you thin then go for it! It's my opinion though, that buying a car is a better option. Why not make monthly payments on something that will belong to you when you've paid it off? In addition, the idea that the only way to get a new car every few years is by leasing is a misconception. If I want to sell this beetle this time next year I can. If at that point I want to look for another car to buy, I'll have money to do it.

I could go on and on, but so many experts have already made this point. All I'm saying is that I'll never buy or lease a brand new car again!

If you want all the facts, numbers, etc. Dave Ramsey's book, The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness has an excellent chapter on car buying.

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