Sunday, March 3, 2013

Walk for the Animals!

Yesterday, my sister Ellie, Milo, and I went to the Humane Society of Broward County's annual Walk for the Animals! This was the second year that I had been to the event, but the first year I didn't have a dog to bring with me! The walk benefits the HSBC and most walkers participate with their dogs. Each walker is given an online page to fund raise in the months leading up to the walk. Thanks to my super supportive family I was able to raise $125 dollars!! This is something very close to my heart. Without the amazing work that the Humane Society of Broward County does I would never have found Milo. As you can tell from the ridiculous percentage of my pictures that feature him, Milo is a big part of my life. Dogs are such amazing creatures and I honestly don't know how I ever lived without him! I am so grateful to the HSBC and love being able to give back in any way possible. I'm ecstatic about how the fundraising turned out and had such a wonderful time at the event!

Remember, the next time you're thinking of adding a furry friend to your family, don't forget the shelters in your area. Don't believe the terrible things you hear about shelter dogs. Most of these are misconceptions. There are many puppies, tons of purebreds and mixed breed dogs are absolutely wonderful as well. I can't speak for every shelter, but the Humane Society of Broward County is a clean, responsibly run, and inspiring institution. My experience adopting Milo was awesome! Okay, enough of my spiel! The point is, this event was a blast!

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