Monday, March 11, 2013

Happy Adoption Day Milo!

A year ago today I adopted my dog Milo! I'm SO glad that I did and can't imagine how I ever lived without him! I seriously couldn't ask for a better dog!! Still trying to figure out how it's been a whole year since I adopted him, it DOES NOT feel like it's been that long! Anyway, to celebrate I decided we'd do all his favorite things! We attempted to go to the dog park, but both of the ones in our area were packed to the brim which makes Milo (and me) anxious to the point where it ceases to be fun. So, we went for a long walk and played in the backyard instead! He also got a new Mickey Mouse toy (from PetSmart's ADORABLE new Disney line) and some homemade doggy cookies!! Overall it's been a super fun day! :D

^ This is Milo on the way home from the Humane Society the day we got him! He tried to sleep with his head propped up like that the whole way! So little!!

^ Then and now!

^ His new Mickey Mouse toy!

^ "Snickerdoodle-poodle-poos" from my Bubba Rose Biscuit Company cookbook! 

^ Our failed attempt at going to the dog park!

^ Crazy dog!! :)

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