Sunday, March 3, 2013

A1A Fort Lauderdale Marathon!

I ran a marathon! Can't believe I actually finished 26.2 miles! This post is super late being that this race was on Feb. 17 but I wanted to post it anyway! Running it was a great experience that I would love to do again! My favorite part of the race has to have been when my brother Isaac and sister Ellie ran the last stretch to the finish line with me! I loved having my family and friends Nicole and Josh there!! It means so much to me that they all came! This event was especially cool because nearly everyone I've met through running was doing it! SUPER FUN!

Publix did a great job organizing this race. The course was beautiful and the medal is AWESOME! Although my Garmin died (and I was sure I would follow suit) by mile 22, I consider the race a success! Had fun and so proud I finished! I definitely need a break from the high miles for now but I'm hoping to do another marathon sometime in or before the next year! In the meantime I plan to do my first triathlon and continue running half marathons, 10ks, 5ks, etc.! Should be interesting, so stay tuned!

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